
Showing posts from December, 2022

9 Manuall You Should Never Make

Licensed Practical Nurses Licensure Requirements Snapshot Normative reflection can bring about adjustments in our intentions because it just is a set of operations on our intentions (or intention-like practical states). Compliance with what we ordinarily think of as a rational requirement, to bring our intentions into alignment with our normative beliefs, is thus secured through a kind of conceptual fiat. The result is that there is no room, on this position, for the paradigmatic form of irrationality in practice represented by akrasia, whereby agents fail to do what they themselves believe they ought to do. The connection of practical reason with intentional action raises large questions about its credentials as a capacity for genuine reasoning. As noted above, intentional action is not mere bodily movement, but reflects a distinctive attitude of the agent’s,viz., intention. To be in this kind of mental state is to have settled on a plan which one seeks to realize through one’s acti